Phase 2 Inquiry Day Halloween Fun!

Three Milestone Academy students are pictured playing outdoors together, whilst scooping out the flesh of some Pumpkins, ready for carving.

On Friday 20th October Phase 2 pupils took part in an inquiry day to celebrate the progress they have made over Term 1.

Pupils explored a variety of terrifying tuff trays and scary stimuli. Pupils showed anticipation whilst waiting their turn and using cause and effect toys, they were encouraged to make connections and see and feel the contrasts of different material. Pupils especially enjoyed feeling the difference between frozen and set jelly and mixing different ‘taste safe’ potions.

Staff looked for responses from pupils to gauge their engagement for example changes in posture, vocalisations and facial expressions.

Good fun was had by all! 🎃

A young male student from Phase 2 is pictured standing alongside a table, full of bowls of sweets for Halloween.
A young girl in a wheelchair is pictured looking towards the camera, whilst holding an orange bucket in her hands with toys inside.
A young girl is seen creating some artwork using craft materials, whilst wearing a Witch's hat for Halloween.
A young, male student is pictured playing with some objects laid out across a table. The objects include autumn leaves, a red-coloured lamp and some twigs.
A young boy is seen sat in a wheelchair and holding a soft toy of the character 'Count Dracula' in his hands.