Results from parent & pupil surveys, spring 2024
We would like to thank those of you who responded to our annual survey.
The pupil survey was available in a hard copy symbolised format and a Google form to ensure it was accessible, it was then adapted further by the class teacher as required.

Agree / Strongly Agree
I know what my child’s targets are and have had the opportunity to input into them during parents/carers meeting
98% (2% don’t know)
I would recommend this school to another parent
84% (12% don’t know)
My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school
68% (20% don’t know)
My child does well at this school
96% (4% don’t know)
The school gives my child the support they need to succeed
96% (4% don’t know)
My child is well taught at this school
My child makes good progress at this school
88% (4% don’t know)
My child/children are happy at this school
96% (4% don’t know)
My child/children feels safe at this school
88% (12% don’t know)
My child/children have been bullied at the school and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively
16% (12% don’t know) & 68% – my child has not been bullied
Staff are knowledgeable and have a clear understanding of my child’s needs
The curriculum at the school prepares my child well for the next stage of their life and learning
84% (8% don’t know)
The school has high expectations for my child
The school is well led and managed
88% (4% don’t know)
The school lets me know how my child is doing
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
76% (16% don’t know)
The school supports my child’s to make good progress in their personal, social and physical development
The school supports my child’s wider personal development
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly
92% (includes no concerns raised)
Things the school does well:
- The staff are kind and caring and go above and beyond to make our children the best they can be
- Leadership is outstanding, as is pastoral care
- Helps support parents
- Listen to you and your child
- Understands the children and tailors their needs
- Works with my child at the level they are at
- Looks after the health and education of my child
- Understands the needs of the child
- The school is brilliant at everything from learning to wellbeing
- Making an approachable village school environment but in a large setting for SEND
- Management are great with listening, communication and any worries
- It attempts to incorporate as much fun into the curriculum as possible
- Individual holistic support for students
- The school communicates very well. They support my child’s needs really well. Staff are amazing and my child is very happy at school, which is most important
- Differing learning to support multiple needs
- Managing all the different needs of each child
- Teaches and cares for the children
- Excellent school
- It was the best choice I ever made sending my child to this school. The staff are absolutely amazing
- The class my child is in now couldn’t be any better
- We are so grateful that our son attends Milestone!
- It’s a good school and my daughter has done very well here, more than I ever thought she would
- I think the school is amazing so wouldn’t change anything
- Everything they do it great
You said…
We did…
Have staff to help or advise with problems arising at home that may need input from school to help sort out
We are looking into a ‘Student Services Manager’ role for the school with the aim this will support communication and give a first point contact for families when any support is required
More frequent updating on tapestry. For a non-verbal child all these visuals help to build a picture of their day
We have further developed the class information on the school website where you can find out what pupils have been learning and activities they have been taking part in (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 and phase 4)
We are researching alternative home/school communication software to consider whether there is an alternative that would work better for both families and class teachers
The dinner ordering is frustrating
We appreciate that we have introduced a new system whereby dinners must be pre-booked for the following day, whilst there have been some teething issues we are hopeful these have now been resolved. The menu, with additional options, is now available to view on the website to support families to order a meal for their child. (
Teach more life skills and less curriculum based learning
Life skills are incorporated across all curriculum areas as well as through the Personal, Social and Physical Development curriculum ( and the Careers curriculum (
We will ask families what life skills they feel are important for their child to learn, then review the curriculum to ensure they are incorporated into this
After school activities/clubs for students
This is an area we will continue to review, the main challenge has always been that the vast majority of pupils are transported home from school through KCC, but we will look into the feasibility of this over the coming months
Change from last year
Are you happy and safe at school?
Do you want to come to school and learn?
Do pupils behave well at Leigh Academy Milestone?
Do adults help you if you are worried?
Do you know how to eat healthily and look after yourself?
My school encourage me to be independent and to take on responsibilities.
Google Form access only
My school encourage me to respect people from other backgrounds, and to treat everyone equally.
My school provides me with information about my next steps, for example, choosing qualifications for the future, going to other education and training options, like apprenticeships, or finding a job.
If bullying happens, teachers good at resolving it (Google form responses only)
I take part in school activities outside of lessons such as clubs, sports, music and art (Google form responses only)
In the previous year’s survey 81% pupils said they did not know how to eat healthily and look after themselves. Following this, cooking and nutrition became focused more on healthy foods and snacks and teachers continued to help pupils understand how exercise can support them to stay healthy. Many classes across school began to access the Daily Mile to support this. As a result, there was a significant increase of 11% meaning 92% of pupils now agree that they know how to eat healthily and look after themselves.
In the previous year’s survey 87% pupils said they were given information about their next steps. Following this, the school has significantly enhanced the Careers Curriculum offer, including a Primary Careers Programme as shown on the school’s website ( The impact of this can be seen in the 6% rise in pupils receiving the information they need for their next steps.
You said…
We did…
24% pupils have stated they do not have access to school activities outside of lessons.
Teachers and leaders will work with the Phase school council members to find out what you would like to do outside of lessons and make a plan for what can be offered, for example lunchtime clubs.